Sophea's fan!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Bila Busu jaga Sophea...

Usually, when the babysitter taking care of the children, surely the child will picked up some habits, styles, or even picked up words from them. I used to have an Indonesian maid and 1 word my daughter still practise is 'MEXICO' means in english -'come here'... Malay - 'MARI SINI'..hahha. That's fine to me as long as she don't picks up bad words... right..?

So...lately, I'm busy with finding jobs and most of the time my younger sister becomes Sophea's temporary babysitter at home. I really trust my sister and surprisingly she's good in taking care of my lovely Sophea and did a splendid task! 'clap..clap..! (she has to practise anyway...soon or later, we'll have to take care of each other's childrens!! hehhehe)

The interesting part is, My sister has her unique ways to feed Sophea..and Sophea starts practising that..everytime... I find it funny yet, it works everytime! Toddlers at age of 3 are easily distracted especially with toys!.. so.. it's hard to get them sit properly at the dining table and eat...therefore...My sister creatively created this fun way of giving food... so I want you guys to look at 'BUSU's Style' of feeding my darling Sophea... and more video to share with all.... ENJOY!

Song : The Show - Lenka